
About Enrollment
Students enrolling in kindergarten must be five years of age on or before the first day of the school year. An enrollment card must be filled out completely for each new student. Health information sheets are to be filled out completely by the parents/guardians. It is the parent’s responsibility to update the information, as necessary. Download 2024-2025 Enrollment Forms.
Birth certificate and immunization records must be presented at time of enrollment. For students transferring from another district, the Request for Student Records Form must be signed to allow records to be released: Download Request for Student Records Form
Proof of immunization must also be presented before admission can take place. Medical and religious exemptions are allowed with specific forms to be completed prior to attendance, and each year following. Placement will be made temporarily based upon school records. Evaluation and final placement will be made within one month of the day entered.
“The Free and Reduced Application” helps Dayton School Students with federal funding which provides many resources for students. Filling out the following form will help us continue to receive federal funding which extends and expands services to all students. Only one form needs to be completed for each family. Download Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application
Out-of-district students may apply for admission to Dayton Elementary School. An application must be submitted to the Board of Trustees. Download Out-Of-District Application.
Discretionary Nonresident Student Attendance Policy
Except as otherwise provided by law, admission to the district as a nonresident student is a privilege. The board, recognizing that an educational requirement of its resident students includes the need for an orderly educational process and environment, free from disruption, overcrowding, and any kind of violence or disruptive influences, hereby establishes criteria on the discretionary admission of nonresident students:
Except as provided by law, admission to the district as a nonresident student is a privilege, unless required by Sec 20-5-321, MCA.
The board will make the final decision on admission.
Students who do not qualify under the mandatory attendance laws and who reside outside of Upper West Shore District #33, will be denied enrollment, with the following exceptions:
- Foreign exchange students, per existing policies;
- Children in the immediate family of nonresident district employees;
- Students residing outside the district, provided they:
- are in good standing with the most recently attended school in terms of academics, conduct and attendance;
- are able to demonstrate a record free of truancy;
- are able to demonstrate a clean behavior record in the school last attended for a period of at least one (1) year;
- have passing grades in the school previously attended;
- have correctly completed the nonresident student application process;
- present no other educationally related detriment to the students of the district.
- The board will not admit any student prior to a review of that student’s record from the student’s previous school districts.
- The district has the option of accepting a nonresident student who does not meet the criteria set forth herein, if the student agrees to special conditions of admission as set forth by the board.
- Every student who attends the district as a nonresident student must reapply for admission by June 15th for the upcoming year. Admission in one (1) school year does not imply or guarantee admission in subsequent years.
- The district will not admit nonresident students, when to do so would require the hiring of additional staff or the provision of educational services not currently provided in the school, or would result in overcrowding of existing classes. Exceptions to this policy may be made in special circumstances to be determined solely by unanimous decision of the Board. The granting of such an exception shall not be indicative of any change in district policy and shall not constitute a precedent for any future situation requiring an exception.